10 Best Shoulder Exercises For Men

5. Standing Cable Pulley Fly

Targeting your deltoid muscles and your chest with the standing cable pulley fly is a great exercise. Use two wires at breast level, put your arms out to the sides, and stand neutrally.

Step forward and carefully drop the weights while allowing your shoulders to open. As you raise, contract your pecs.

A reverse cable fly is a variant of this exercise that you can attempt. Reach across your body to grasp two cables at shoulder height while you stand facing the cable machine. On your chest, your arms should form a cross. Move your shoulders back while stretching your arms out to the side to pull on the wires.

10 Best Shoulder Exercises For Men

6. Crab Walk

Bodyweight exercises like the crab walk work your shoulders, core, arms, and legs. It begins with a sitting position. Bend your knees, raise your hips off the ground, and use your hands to support yourself. The goal of this workout is to crawl while moving one hand and the opposing foot, then switching sides. It will take some time to get the hang of it, but it’s an excellent addition to any full-body exercise.

10 Best Shoulder Exercises For Men
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