10 Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin

10 Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin

9. Curcumin has benefits against depression

The antidepressant curcumin has showed some promise.

60 depressed individuals were randomly assigned to one of three groups in a controlled experiment. Prozac was given to one group, 1 gram of curcumin to another, and Prozac with curcumin to the third.

Curcumin has had results comparable to those of Prozac after six weeks. The group who consumed curcumin as well as Prozac fared the best.

This short study found that curcumin had comparable antidepressant efficacy.

A brain region involved in learning and memory, the hippocampus, as well as lower BDNF levels are associated with depression. By raising BDNF levels, curcumin may be able to slow or stop some of these alterations.

Additionally, there is some evidence to suggest that curcumin might increase serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain.

10. Curcumin may help delay aging and fight age-related chronic diseases

If curcumin may indeed aid in the prevention of heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s, it might also have advantages for extending life.

This implies that curcumin may have application as a supplement for anti-aging.

Since inflammation and oxidation are thought to contribute to aging, curcumin may have effects that go beyond simply warding off illness.

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