Mercury Retrograde 2022 Will Affect Every Zodiac Sign

Mercury Retrograde 2022 Will Affect Every Zodiac Sign


Not feeling it, are you? If that’s the case, it makes sense since on September 9, Mercury will station retrograde in your 11th house of community, which might make you feel like leaving the party even though you’ve just arrived. It could be time to talk to your clique if things aren’t going well, and figure out what went wrong. However, this may not be a problem with your friends at all, but rather the process of getting back in touch with former coworkers, friends, and teammates who you’ve fallen out of touch with. After all, they might be able to impart some knowledge to you. Get ready to learn a lot about what makes a team function cooperatively rather than antagonistically.

On September 23, as Mercury moves back into your tenth house of status and reputation, you could find yourself coming to grips with some of the errors you’ve made, particularly in your professional life. Reconnecting with your previous employer or mentor might provide you some wise counsel that will help you go on with newfound vigor. If your overall brand no longer reflects who you truly are, it’s time to reconsider the image you’ve been putting forward.

Mercury Retrograde 2022 Will Affect Every Zodiac Sign


As of September 9, Mercury is retrograding through your career’s 10th house, so it’s time to temporarily put your type-A mentality aside. Some of your professional ambitions will probably be derailed by this, especially if they were already in jeopardy. Because you cannot always rely on others to solve your work-related challenges for you, it is time to think creatively. These difficulties will, though, serve as a reminder of how you overcame problems of a similar nature in the past. How can you use these lessons to guide your future decisions?

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Beginning on September 23, Mercury will retrograde once more into your ninth house of exploration and knowledge, which might lead you in unexpected directions, particularly if you are already familiar with the locations. It’s time to revisit a concept you previously adhered to since it will support you in a time of need. Sometimes we lose sight of the knowledge we’ve previously acquired (and all we have to do is take the time to remember it). You could even be motivated to pick up work on an academic topic again and recover the same enthusiasm. You could receive a message from a former classmate or teacher who will remind you that you are a lifelong learner. There’s ever more to discover.

Mercury Retrograde 2022 Will Affect Every Zodiac Sign


Do you feel a little lost, Aquarius? If so, it’s understandable given that, as of September 9, Mercury will station retrograde in your ninth house of travel and expansion. Take advantage of delays and detours that compel you to take the route less taken since this can lead you down an unexpected path. Life is not designed to be lived constantly using a GPS, even if you have no idea where you are. Allow the wind to carry you to an intriguing and challenging location. Because life always has a way of bringing you home just when you think you’ve fully gone off course, it is at these times when you feel unmoored that you grow your faith.

On the other hand, you could find yourself revisiting some of the anguish you’ve gone through in life when Mercury retrogrades back into your eighth house of change starting on September 23. Whether you meant to or not, you can find yourself lamenting the loss of something—or someone—that you had to let go. You’ve probably been repressing some of your more complex sensations, so take your time digesting them. It starts to have less influence over you as you start to confront the thing that has been bothering you.

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Mercury Retrograde 2022 Will Affect Every Zodiac Sign


You could be in the mood to pay off bills and assess the degree of your assets’ returns, Pisces. On September 23, Mercury will station retrograde in your eighth house of transactions, which might highlight certain monetary issues that still need your attention. It’s time to find out where any missing money may have gone if there is any, especially if your assets haven’t been well-organized. The act of letting go and moving on, rather than money, might be the focus of this retrograde. You can come to the realization that your time in a given scenario has long since passed. It’s time to set yourself free and find serenity.

On September 23, Mercury will turn back into your seventh house of relationships, which might bring back a former partner. There is unfinished business between you two that has to be attended to, regardless of whether this person was formerly your lover, best friend, or even a business partner. You could discover that you have a greater knowledge of who this individual was to you as this retrograde draws to a close. And the more you learn about your past relationships, the more you’ll be able to comprehend your present ones. Pisces, don’t let the past repeat itself.

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