Top 10 tips on how to study smarter, not longer

Top 10 tips on how to study smarter, not longer

7. Use pictures

Nebel advises paying attention to the graphs and diagrams in your course materials. “Those images can help you remember this information much better. Additionally, if none exist, making them can be quite helpful.

According to McDaniel, “I believe that these visual representations assist you in developing more thorough mental models.” Students were had to sit through a lecture on vehicle brakes and pumps by him and Dung Bui, who was at Washington University at the time. One group was given schematics and instructed to annotate them as necessary. Another group was given a note-writing plan. The third team only made notes. If students were otherwise adept at creating mental models of what they were reading, the outlines were helpful. However, they discovered that in these exams, visual aids were helpful to all pupils.

Even silly images might be beneficial. German psychologist Nikol Rummel works at Ruhr University Bochum. In a 2003 study, she and other researchers sent information on five scientists who examined intelligence along with cartoon pictures to college students. For instance, a graphic of a race car driver accompanied the text about Alfred Binet. In order to shield his brain, the driver donned a bonnet. On a test, students who viewed the illustrations performed better than those who merely read the text.

8. Find examples

Understanding abstract ideas can be challenging. According to Nebel, having a tangible example of anything makes it much simpler to create a mental image.

For instance, foods that taste sour often do so because they are acidic. That idea could be difficult to recall on its own. However, it is simpler to grasp and remember that acids and sour go together if you think of a lemon or vinegar. Additionally, the examples could make it easier for you to recognize the acidic flavor of different foods.

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In fact, it is helpful to have at least two instances when trying to apply knowledge to fresh circumstances. In July 2019, Nebel and others examined research on this. They outline how students might enhance their study abilities in their Journal of Food Science Education article.

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